Saturday 17 October 2015

William Ruto participated to his being at ICC as a suspect

Several blames has been on air on who indeed took Hon William Ruto to ICC. The forgotten fact is that Ruto participated in history being at the ICC as a suspect.
This is speech that indicated his stand on taking the case to ICC.
"Kofi Annan should hand over the envelope that contains the names of suspects to the ICC at the Hegue so that proper investigations can start. Mr Annan should allow us to move forward. We can't just get stuck in one place addressing the same thing" said Ruto
He was the then agricultural minister and championed for handing over the issue to ICC.
He opposed the local tribunal and termed unnecessary the two month period given to Kenya to make a local tribunal by Kofi Annan: the former UN secretary general.
Ruto's stand contradicted that of the then his party ODM whose leader championed for a local tribunal.
A government motion to set a local tribunal knuckled down in vain as was defeated by opposers led by Ruto.
After failed attempts to form a local tribunal the case was handed over to ICC.
In 2010, Louis Moreno Ocampo ; the then ICC prosecutor announced the names of people in the envelope.
The tragedy and irony at once is that the name of Ruto appeared in the listlist.He was then minister for education.
He added petrol to fire that has continued to burn him until now.

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