Thursday 22 October 2015

Five most shocking facts to worry about the kenyan leadership.

It is a careless government ; rude and arrogant executive which hardly honors even its own arm: the judiciary- most have termed it so.
Should kenyans continue worring? That is the big question of today's public eye.
The public eye has found five reasons to indicate that kenyans are not living but serviving .
The word Kenya has completely changed it's meaning.
It now means high scale looting from ministries and counties. High rolling corruption in every arm of government.
In fact Kenyans should be worried of daily failing economy; declining value of Kenyan shilling leading to high cost of living.
No single promise made during campaigns has been fully achieved. Name them; education is being killed silently- teachers are completely demotivated to teach or invigilate examinations; result is: massive exam leakages which also means - poor quality education and poor results.
Tribalism and hatrade amongst Kenyans.
Kenyans should solve this by voting leaders based on their ability to perform and not based on the depth of the content in their pockets.

Photo: curtsey of glacier community media

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